Thursday, October 27, 2016

1st quarter reflection blog

      I’ve completed many great things this first quarter in all of my classes. I’ve grown as a student and as a teenager. Especially in ELA that has shown me how to see the world in a different way. For example I’ve completed many goals that I thought I would never do, such as doing the 10 book challenge. I went above my own goal, which was to try and read at least 10 books, but I ended up reading 13 books. I felt proud and astonished of myself since I don't really read that much even though I like to read. I completed this goal by pushing myself and by being responsible. By doing these two things it didn't only help me complete my target but it has shown me a life lesson. Now I know that even though completing a goal is hard you just have to push yourself to your limits.

            This first  quarter for my ELA class I've also had the opportunity to learn how to properly do signposts. I had done signpost before but they just weren't organized or clear enough to even be considered signpost. At times I would do signpost on random quotes that had no meaning whatsoever. But now I've learned that by using this technique it can help me understand the book even more. For example you're more attentive towards the plot of the book. And you notice little details that can later on have an effect on the whole story. I've also felt I've grown as a reader, because yes I really enjoy reading but I never really noticed how deep a book can be if you pay attention. For example, The Giver was such a deep and amazing book. It was the second time I read it and I liked it more than I did the first time. The first time I read I thought it was very confusing and boring. But the second time I realized that the book had an actual meaning within it.

              Another of the many things that I’ve had the opportunity to get better at for my ELA class was improving on my writing skills. I feel like there has been a drastic change when it comes to writing for me. And it’s a good change too. For example I now know how to write a newscast like the journalist do or how to use the TIQA. It has made me more confident and comfortable with writing. I’m not sure if before I disliked writing because I wasn't good at it or because I thought it was boring. Either way it doesn’t matter because I want to be more engaged when it comes to this class and I’m more interested in understanding how writing works. I want to grow as a writer

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